6 Feb 2018 The structure of the World Trade Network is compared overtime, detecting and interpreting international economists have conceived international trade as a network since 1450 L. DE BENEDICTIS AND L. TAJOLI Saul, S. B. (1954), ' Britain and World Trade, 1870–1914', Economic History Review,7,1,. History of World Trade since 1450, a detailed new refer-ence that explores world trade in non-technical language for students, professionals and lay readers. An understanding of the history and development of world trade is essential to comprehending the evolution of global . relations. History of World Trade. explores the Age of Discovery, the Industrial Revolution, the rise of capitalism, History of World Trade since 1450 starts at a year regarded as the beginning of the Age of Exploration and examines how the hunt for new resources and markets during that period resulted in the establishment of colonies in Africa, the Americas and Asia. The set looks at the Industrial Revolution, the rise of capitalism and the effects of imperialism on the global economy.